Shipping & Delivery

Can I collect my items?

Yes, all collections are appointments based and are free of charge. Buyers must arrange a collections appointment prior to collecting their goods. All collections and deliveries will be arranged within 48 hours of placing an order. A member of our team will contact you via telephone or email to arrange collections and deliveries.

Can I get my items delivered?

Yes, in most cases we offer delivery services. Each auction lot includes delivery details, which can be one of the following:

We offer a range of fairly priced delivery options. However, delivery may not be possible for certain items, such as vehicles or large, specialised goods. If delivery is not available, we recommend checking the item’s location and description before placing a bid. Each lot includes a collection address, allowing you to assess whether collecting the item is practical for you.

If collection isn’t an option for you, services like can provide quotes for collecting and delivering items on your behalf. We aim to provide enough detail to help you make an informed decision about delivery or collection before placing your bid.

How much will delivery cost?

Delivery costs vary based on several factors, including size, weight, distance, and urgency. All deliveries will be arranged within 48 hours of placing an order. A member of our team will contact you via telephone or email to arrange collections or deliveries. Final delivery quotes will be issued during this process.

Below is a general guide to delivery pricing within the greater Sheffield area:

Below is a general guide to delivery pricing outside of the greater Sheffield area. Locations such as London, Newport, etc:

Prices vary depending on the item in question, and additional services such as next- day delivery may incur extra fees.

If delivery quotes seem high, you can explore alternative quotes via or use your preferred courier service for collection.

Please note that delivery costs and timescales may be affected by factors outside our control, such as fuel prices.

When will my items arrive?

Delivery times may vary. You’ll receive an email notification once your item has been dispatched, including tracking information where available. If delivery times are important to your purchase decision, we recommend contacting us via live chat or emailing [email protected] for further details.

Satisfied with your purchase?

If you’ve had a great experience with Prime Auctions, we’d love for you to leave us a positive review – it’s the best way to show your appreciation for our dedicated team!

Not satisfied?

We’re committed to being number one in customer service, and we value your feedback. If something didn’t go as expected, please do not hesitate to reach us. We’ll work with you to resolve the issue swiftly and earnestly.

Want to return an item?

If an item you’ve received is significantly different from its auction description, we recommend contacting our team directly to discuss your concerns. We aim to provide positive solutions everytime. We’ll work with you to explore available options and provide fair and reasonable resolutions.